Task One: Prepare a 200- to 300-word history about the National Critical Technology (NCT) technical application your team has selected to solve a local or national problem. Progress needs to be seen on this task.
Our device is used in the application of deploying a rapid response to the threat of external hemorrhaging. The need for such a device comes at the need to combat situations the effect the entire world. People in situations that are more prone to serious bodily harm can utilize our product to quickly and efficiently stop a bleed. This means personnel in the military, law enforcement, or medical first responders can apply this device over external wounds such as puncture wounds that would normally cause massive blood loss. By aiding and accelerating the natural human clotting process, victims of traumatic bleeding are given valuable minutes that could save their life. In a traumatic bleeding scenario, a victim can lose at a maximum of 40 percent of their blood before they enter class III hemorrhaging, which is fatal without immediate blood transfusion. By allowing the blood to clot faster, victims will be given a greater chance at survival. However, this product is not only applicable to those in the line of duty. This device can be employed to those with clotting disabilities. Diseases such as Van Willebrand's or Hemophilia inhibit the production of various clotting factors which can prove fatal for victims. By allowing a topical application of such factors, the risk of class III hemorrhaging is significantly reduced in cases of external trauma. By creating such medical device, lives of affected people and those in the line of duty may be preserved.

Task Two: Cite three detailed examples of research done in the past 3 to 5 years which focused on the NCT technical application your team selected. Include: the funding agency, the principal investigator's name, and the institution where the research is or was being conducted.
Yasuhiro Shiga and his colleagues at The University of Shiba's Graduate School of Medicine studied the efficacy Platelet Rich Plasma, which enriches tissue repair and regeneration. They tested this by storing three different samples at different temperatures. One at room temperature, one at -80 degrees celsius, and one freeze-dried. The samples were examined, two four and eight weeks after storage. While the frozen and room temperature groups' efficacy decreased after 8 weeks, the freeze-dried group maintained it's efficacy throughout the whole process.

Task Three: Based on the research your team has done, explain how the NCT application chosen has advanced scientific knowledge.
Friedrich Hopff first described Haemophilia in 1828 as a condition that restricts the body's ability to clot blood, people with Haemophilia experience prolonged bleeding. This problem has been getting better as time goes on, but still is not completely curable. As insulin temporarily helps people with diabetes, HG-10 temporarily helps people with Haemophilia. Our product does not cure this condition, but it does provide an acceptable solution. In fact, HG-10 helps the clot blood on the go, so it is of use to people who don't have Haemophilia as people can apply the product to a wound, and the blood clotting process will commence quicker. These advancements have improved the community's scientific knowledge because now people know that there are things that can help with faster blood clotting, and even things that can help people with Haemophilia when it comes to clotting blood.